SHAMAN: SPIRITHUNTER : Summer 2018 - Playsnak - Present
ROBINSON The Journey : Creative / Animation Director & Animator - Crytek - 2016
THE CLIMB : Animation Director - Crytek - 2015
BACK TO DINOSAUR ISLAND : Animation Director & Animator - Crytek - 2014
RYSE Son of Rome : Animation Director / Fight Choreographer & Animator - Crytek - 2013
PRINCESS & THE FROG : Lead Animator & Animator - Imperia Media - 2009
A VAMPYRE STORY : Lead Animator - Imperia Media - 2008
SUPER MARIO STRIKERS : Animation Consultant for Next Level Games - Imperia Media - 2005
METROID PRIME : Lead Animator & Animator - Retro Studio Nintendo - 2002

My obsession for animation started long before I began my training and career. I'm fascinated about how animation brings characters to life ​and influences feelings and thoughts. I also enjoy defining animation solutions and processes to support gameplay which includes the creation of animation motion trees based on code implementation.
I have a strong understanding of animation principles and how they can be applied to video games. From bipeds to quadrupeds to flying creatures, I understand the physics and mechanics of different masses. When creating any sort of cinematic story-driven sequences, storyboarding is very important. It helps me think through the messages and emotions I want to convey, how to best stage an action, and pre-visualize / plan the sequences.
I'm a firm believer that no matter what role you take on you must always keep your hands in the creative process and continue producing content. Below is a compilation of animations I did while being an animation & creative director.